Professional Info:

I am a former food service professional. I worked as the head service trainer and Top server for Stefano's Trattoria for 10+ years. I enjoy providing people with things that they need! Due to Covid-19, I have made a dynamic shift in my professional goals and ambition. I have re-directed and devoted myself to learning more about the art of software development and design. Everything I do now is to try and learn where these new skills and languages are leading me in order to be of maximum benefit to God and my fellow humans. Wish me well in my journey to produce a beneficial outcome and help others while providing for my family.

Work Experience:

Stefano's Trattoria. Service Trainer/ Head Server ​ 2010 - present

At Stefano's my responsibilities were to provide a fun, fast and family friendly environment where people come and forget the worries of their day. By providing them with a unique family feel and exceptional food service and quality. Also, it was my responsibility to train others to follow in those footsteps and exceed customer's expectations.

Gold's Gym. Fitness Instructor/Nutrition Specialist ​ 2000 - 2010

​After the Marine Corps I felt I had a responsibility to pass on my knowledge, experience and passion for treating our bodies the right way. It was the best way for me to give back what I had received from them by way of encouragement and teaching. It was a great experience for me to grow.


Team Treehouse Techdegree. ​ March 2020 - October 2020

Team Treehouse has provided me an affordable and challenging opportunity to grow and expand my skills, knowledge and abilities in the world of technology. I find everything about the Web, Internet and the world of writing code in order to build things that can be used in the actual world fascinating. I can't wait to see where it's going to take me.​

USMC Fire Direction Control. Fort Sill. OK. 1997-1998​

It seems like yesterday that the Marine Corps taught me how to work with the azimuth of fire for artillery. (Az-i-muth): direction of a celestial object from the observer, expressed as the angular distance from the north or south point of the horizon to the point at which a vertical circle passing through the object intersects the horizon.